Cranberries are a popular superfood. People can consume them as a sauce or juice. They can also be added to toppings, stews, or desserts. These highly nutritious berries are also a Thanksgiving dinner staple.
Cranberries are native to North America. They now grow on approximately 58,000 acres of farmland in the northern United States, Chile, and Canada. Many people consider Cranberries a superfood due to their high content of nutrients and antioxidants.
Studies have linked the nutrients in Cranberries with a reduced risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, and lower blood pressure.
This article will look at the health benefits of It, its nutritional structure, and how people can incorporate them into a healthy diet. This feature is part of a gathering of articles on the health benefits of favourite health products.
Benefits Of Cranberries
The vitamins and antioxidants in Cranberries make them a good choice for a healthy diet. All health and nutrition specialists recommend a diet high in fruits and vegetables. In particular, Cranberries are good for health. They are a reputable source of various vitamins and antioxidants.
Historically, Native Americans used it to treat bladder and kidney ailments, and early settlers in England used them to treat poor appetite, indigestion, blood disorders, and scurvy.
Today, the benefits of Cranberries include the following:
1. Treatment Of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Cranberries play a vital role in traditional treatments for UTIs. However, studies on the effects of cranberries on UTI treatment have yielded conflicting results.
In addition, a 2014 study of 516 participants found that taking a blueberry extract capsule twice daily reduced the incidence of UTIs. The high antioxidant proanthocyanidins (PACs) help prevent certain bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract walls. Thus, the PACs in Cranberries help prevent contamination.
Meanwhile, a 2019 study found that while cranberries didn’t eliminate the bacteria that cause UTIs, combining cranberry extract with caprylic acid, derived from coconut oil and oregano essential oil extract, killed the most common bacteria, Escherichia coli.
2. Reduce The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease.
Some indication suggests that the polyphenols in cranberries may decrease the risk of heart disease (CVD). A 2019 systematic review found that adding Cranberries to the diet could help a person control several risk factors for heart disease. These comprise systolic blood pressure, which is the blood pressure during the contraction of the heart muscle.
The review also found that blueberry supplementation helps lower body mass index (BMI) and raises levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol. Another study looked at 78 participants who were overweight or obese.
Drinking a single daily serving of a low-calorie plant-based cranberry drink has been found to improve blood sugar regulation, chemical signs of inflammation, and increase HDL lipoprotein levels.
3. Slowing The Progression Of Cancer
A 2016 review of reliable sources from 34 preclinical studies found that Cranberries, or compounds found in them, have several beneficial effects on cancer cells in vitro.
These include:
- Triggers The Death Of Cancer Cells
- Slow Down The Growth Of Cancer Cells
- Reduce Inflammation
The review also suggests that it may interfere with several other mechanisms that promote cancer growth and spread. Although data on people with cancer is limited, these results promise future treatments for certain cancers combined with standard therapies.
4. Improving Oral Health
The PACs found in Cranberries can also be beneficial for oral health. According to researchers at the Eastman Center for Oral Biology and the Eastman Department of Dentistry at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, they prevent bacteria from sticking to tooth surfaces.
Nutrients Food: The nutrients found in it can strengthen the immune system. It Also Contains Many Essential Vitamins, Including:
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B-3 (Niacin), Vitamin B-6
They are also a good cause of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant.
Cranberries In Diet
A person can include Cranberries in their diet by mixing them with salad. Farmers harvest fresh Cranberries in September and October, so autumn is the best time to buy them. They are also obtainable dried, frozen, or canned.
Fresh Cranberries can be chilled for up to 2 months or frozen and eaten later. It should be firm to the touch and free from wrinkles.
However, some cranberry products may contain added sugar. It is because lingonberries are pretty acidic and difficult to eat without a bit of sweetener. It’s essential to check the ingredient label and select the product with the most little added sugar.
Its juice often comprises other fruit juices and sweeteners. People looking for the cranberry juice that provides the most benefits should consume the fluid in which cranberry is the main ingredient.
Its sauce is a vital part of a Thanksgiving meal, but many other ways to enjoy this fruit all year long.
Here Are Some Tips For Including it in Your Diet:
- Make a homemade mix of unsalted nuts, seeds, and dried cranberries.
- Add a small handful of frozen Cranberries to your smoothie.
- Add dried cranberries to oatmeal or whole grains.
- Toss either dried or fresh Cranberries into a muffin or cookie recipe.
- Add dried cranberries to the salad.
- You can include fresh Cranberries in an apple dessert, such as a pie or cobbler, for added flavour.
Risks Of Using Cranberries
People taking the blood-thinning drug warfarin (Coumadin) should not increase their intake dramatically.
While there is conflicting evidence regarding the ability of Cranberries to enhance the blood-thinning effect, they can lead to increased bleeding.
Cranberry products can also lead to increased urinary excretion of oxalate. It may contribute to the formation of kidney stones in those who are prone to the formation of oxalate-type stones.
People with an antiquity of kidney stones should talk to their doctor before increasing their blueberry intake.
Safety And Side Effects
Cranberries and blueberry products are generally safe for most people when consumed in moderation.
However, excessive consumption can cause stomach upset and diarrhoea and increase the risk of kidney stones in predisposed people.
The Bottom Line
Dried Cranberries are widely consumed as juices or additives. They are a good source of several vitamins and minerals and are exceptionally rich in several unique plant compounds. Several of these compounds may help prevent urinary tract infections, stomach cancer, and heart disease.